Wednesday, April 4, 2012

7 Questions #5

I almost forgot it was Wednesday today! It is 7 Questions with Gentri Lee day!
The required silly photo. Again, not the funniest. I really have a lack of funny photos of myself. I wish someone would have taken the picture the split second after this because I remember L and I falling over out of the sled into the snow the second after this... which would be way more funny.
1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?I want to close my eyes and poof! be wherever I want to go. My daughter and I could be in Kansas visiting my family for the evening while Nick's at work and then poof we would be back in time for bed.
2. If you could hold the world record for something, what would it be for and why?
Hmmm.... I want to hold a record for something like growing the largest watermelon or squash. Biggest strawberry maybe, something like that!
3. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?Probably Braunschweiger (liver sausage/liverwurst), although to me it's not that weird. It's actually really good along side deep fried eggplant.

4. Where would you hide something if you didn't want it to be found?Usually in my sewing area since my husband and daughter don't use anything there. That's the easiest place to hide things they won't find. Sometimes it's too good of a spot though because I forgot about one of his birthday presents I had hid there and remembered a week after his birthday!
5. What is one of your Spring and/ or Easter traditions?I HAVE to have peeps and jelly beans. As a kid the tradition was to go to Texas for spring break/Easter. As an adult with my own family we are still trying to figure out some traditions of our own. We've colored eggs the past couple years with my daughter. Oh and her Easter basket has to be hidden somewhere in the house or the yard for her to find.
6. Would you rather have to make all of your own clothes (including patterns), cook dinner from scratch every night, or walk everywhere you wanted to go?Definitely make my own clothes. I sew for my daughter but I have struggled with sewing for myself. After I have the baby a lose a few pounds I really want to try again.
7. What is your most embarrassing moment? I know, big one.
Honestly I am so easily embarrassed and my face turns red at the littlest things that I couldn't pick a most embarrassing moment. I feel like I get embarrassed all the time!


  1. Oh my goodness. Biggest strawberry?! I would be all over that! Let me know if you try it; I'll come over :)

  2. What a great answer for #2!! I didn't even think about that. But how awesome would that be?! DO IT!

    1. Last year we had a strawberry patch for the first time ever and I could have probably held the record for world's tiniest strawberries! Hopefully this year's will be better.

  3. This post made me giggle out loud! Mostly because of #2 and #7. I was already thinking about what I would answer for #2 (I won't write it here, because it would make you blush!) when I read your answer for #7! :)

  4. This post made me giggle out loud. I was already thinking about what *I* would answer for #2 (I won't write it here because it would make you blush!) when I read your answer for #7! :)

  5. My husband loves braunschweiger sandwiches - bleh! Just the smell and look of it makes me cringe!
    Yay for jellybeans - I'm addicted to Starburst jellybeans!
