I took L on our first ever girls Black Friday outing yesterday. Last year was the first year I ever wanted to go anywhere and I just ran out by myself and only went to JoAnn's. I knew this year L would be a big help and it would be a lot of fun and boy was I right. There was just one problem... she's worse about wanting every fabric than I am!! I did have to cut her off but I let her pick out a lot of them. 28 yards of fabric later this is what we came home with.
These are all specifically for L. The purple one with the deer is her favorite. She corrected the lady cutting fabric that it was a fawn! Can you tell she LOVES Bambi?

We picked these out for me but I think there will be enough left for some dots for her too.

L picked out the camo for her dad (after I convinced her he would like camo better than dinosaurs) and she picked out the last one for the new baby.

Crystal approves of our fabric purchases too.

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