When you find something that is well loved and it works, it is always best to stick with it. In 5 years we have bought many dog toys, some for the inside, some for the outside. When it came to outside toys Crystal had her favorite, until a loose neighbor dog came by and stole it. Looking for new toys at the pet store I came across this rubber ball with feet. It was bouncy and it squeaked. Perfect. Ever since we found the first one, our dogs have never wanted to play with anything else when they are outside. They fought over who got to play with the toy until we bought another identical toy. And then ended up still fighting over the same toy. Crystal loves to play fetch with it where Doogie loved to just lay in the grass and squeak it. The feet make it easy for L to hang on to when she flings it across the yard for Crystal to fetch.
This is what it looks like after 2 years of staying outside 24/7 in the rain, sun, mud, snow and of course dog slobber! It's the Tough by Nature Bad Cuz. (or you can get the Good Cuz that doesn't have the little horns)

*I have no affliation with this toy manufacturer or Amazon. And I'm not receiving anything for telling you about this awesome toy. Our dogs just plain love it which makes me love it!
Aww! I need to get some new doggie toys also. Thanks for checking my Rag Wreath out over at A Little Bit of Everything!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by! Definitely check out the Tough by Nature toys. Despite it's looks after a couple year, they both still squeak!