The weather turned cooler and L needed to wear pants instead of shorts and dresses so I went to the top of her closet where I usually have clothes for the next season. I looked. And looked some more.
PANIC!! L has very few clothes for the fall!
Whew, okay thanks for letting me get that out.
Usually I try to buy a few staple pieces - jeans, plain shirts, etc. the year before when they are on clearance. In all of our pinching pennies and watching what we spend I completely looked over this small detail that she doesn't have anything to wear. A friend of mine passed down some outfits from her daughter to L but the problem with most of them is they are too big in the waist and fall off of her skinny bottom. Even the ones that have the adjustment tabs, I pulled them in to the smallest button hole and they are still too small. But her legs are so long that they will be high water pants by the time they fit her in the waist!
What is a mother to do with 6 sewing machines, piles of patterns and fabric at her fingertips?
What I better do it get busy sewing her up a fall/winter wardrobe!
Do you have any favorite patterns for skinny little girls clothes? L is a 4 in height but about a 2 in the waist!